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Quality is in the things we do and in the things we don't. It is in the agreements we reach together and in the manner in which we are shown the ropes and in the way we are put together as a human being. In doing this quiz you will be able to test your own personal quality as a volunteer. Answer the questions and find out which quality promise could be applicable to you. And don't forget to give yourself a wink...
Quality propagated by volunteers always has to do with the following combination of behaviour.
a. Meticulous, clear, competent and acting respectful to others
b. Be competent, address the other volunteers with the formal 'you'
c. Be neutral, impartial, independent and vigorous
d. Be competent, reliable, straightforward and respected
You are on the point of leaving when your neighbour calls at the door. She is upset because her son has had a fall. He is losing a lot of blood and his leg is not quite in the right shape. What do you do?
a. It seems not to be very serious so you say 'I was just leaving, but don't worry'
b. You prevent the leg to be moved and offer to call an ambulance at once
c. You say ' is Mr. Karakzu not at home. He is very competent and has a first-aid certificate'
d. You straighten the lower leg, clean the wound and apply a pressure bandage
A tiring day of volunteer work is over. Your co-workers want to have a chat and they ask you to join them. What do you do?
a. You clearly state 'I am not going. I am here for the guests and not to have a good time'
b. You concoct an excuse for you have no need for their stories
c. You explain carefully that you want to respect the good reputation of the Red Cross
d. You say 'That is a good idea but let's not stay too long again'
You are assisting the wheelchair users who are going to Artis into the van. Then it appears that the other driver failed to switch off the lights. The battery has run down. What's to be done?
a. You make it quite clear that your co-driver did not act very meticulously
b. You say it is not your fault and that they can always go another time
c. You ask them for a solution and save the mood with a few good jokes
d. You apologize and arrange at once for coffee and a van of another unit
An angry woman from Somalia comes to the tracing consultation. She has been waiting for an answer for a year now and reproaches you for doing too little for her. How do you react?
a. It is very understandable that you are angry. I will make a call at once to investigate the matter
b. Indeed, that is very annoying, but unfortunately we are also dependent to others
c. Beg pardon, but I have to work carefully and by the rules and that takes a lot of time
d. You are not the only one. I am afraid the national office has a backlog already
On a fair passers-by regularly ask why the Red Cross campaign doesn't have a Dutch name. What do you say about 'Who cares'?
a. We are an international organisation and the English language appeals to youngsters too
b. Only the English saying means 'Who takes care' as well as 'Who cares'
c. I'll make this clear: I don't think this name very good either, but I do back up the policy
d. I don't know. The experts on the national office have thought this up
A nice, enthusiastic girl with a lot of piercings reacts to an advertisement for volunteers. What do you say to her?
a. What a pity, but enough suitable volunteers have applied already
b. How nice of you to react to our advertisement. Why do you want to do relief work?
c. As a volunteer of the Red Cross you cannot be seen like this. Are you prepared to remove your piercings?
d. Do you have to do this for your work placement?
You are visiting for the second time someone who became a widower recently. Making contact is very difficult and he says that he would like to play chess. What do you say?
a. I never learned that game, but are there no other things you like?
b. With all due respect, but I am a good card player. How about a game of cards?
c. It would be better for you to be outside for a while. Let's go for a walk
d. I wish I had mastered that. Shall I look for you for a volunteer who likes to play chess too?
Your neighbour has always taken care of her parents, but they have remigrated to Turkey. You think she has the makings of a good volunteer. How to attract her?
a. To respect her you take no action, she would yet be discriminated
b. You take no action, for you know that she is already very active in the Turkish community
c. You invite her to join in thinking about activities for elderly foreigners
d. Through the management or through the supervisor Social Activities, who are better placed to approach her
During a holiday at night a drunk youngster with a black eye enters the first aid facility and immediately starts crying.What do you do?
a. You soothe him and let him sleep it off somewhere where you can keep an eye on him
b. You are not going to do anything yourself, last time you aided a drunk, you took a nasty blow
c. You treat his eye carefully and let him sleep it off in recovery position
d. You quickly throw him out. Someone who gets consciously drunk, has no right to be respected or to be aided
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