Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format. |
Params | string | A reserved parameter for future use. You can pass an empty string. |
Data |
John Smith
All data parameters are optional. The only requirement is that the query based upon the given search parameters result in only one user or visitor.
When a form identification is passed (form_name or form_id) Formdesk only queries the visitor accounts. Otherwise Formdesk queries the supervisor account and the sub-user accounts.
| Parameter | Description |
id |
Formdesk user id. |
name |
Formdesk will search the name of the user. Not case-sensitive. |
username |
Not case-sensitive |
password |
Case-sensitive |
form_name |
Only applicable when signing on a visitor for a specific form. The name of the form is appended to the returned redirect URL. |
form_id |
Only applicable when signing on a visitor for a specific form. The name of the form is appended to the returned redirect URL. |
Result |
The URL can be used to redirect the user to Formdesk.
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The user, of a Formdesk account, or visitor, of an editable form, can not be found. |
409.7 | Multiple users found | The SignOn search query resulted in multiple users. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
Park(string Data, int Expires, string Params) |
This method can be used to push form data to Formdesk whithout the need of passing the data using URL parameters.
The data is parked temporarily and a ticked is returned.
When a valid ticket is passed to a form Formdesk will prefill the form using the parked data.
Formdesk can only prefill fields of which the identifier is found as parameter name.
NOTE that unlike the URL parameter names the parameter names (identifiers) here are without the def_ prefix.
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format. |
| int |
Value in seconds the data expires. The data can not be used after datetime of parking + expire seconds.
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
Name | Type | Description |
reuse | boolean | When specified (set to 1) the returned ticket can be used multiple times before it expires. The ticket can be used one time by default. |
preventchange |
boolean |
When specified (set to 1) the form can only be requested with a parking ticket and
the parked data is used when the form is being saved instead of the posted data.
Note that after using this parameter and requesting the form with the ticket for the first time the form can no longer be requested without a ticket.
To restore the form to be requested without a ticket you have to use this method ones again with this parameter set to 0 (false) and request the form with the returned ticket.
Also note that the visitor has to complete the form before the parking ticket expires. Use the Expires parameter to give the visitor enough time to complete the form.
Data |
Somewhere 123
NOTE that the xmlns namespace and fd: attribute prefix may be ommitted. The dt attribute may also be ommitted. When the dt attribute is ommitted Formdesk treats the parameter value as of type string.
Result |
The ticket value is a string of 32 characters (GUID) which can be used as parameter of a request to a form. Formdesk will then use the parked parameters as form field values.
Note that you can use parked or ticket as parameter name.
^ top | ^ method list |
FormsGet(string Params) |
With this method you can retrieve a list of forms.
Input |
Result |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultsExport(string FormName, string Format, string Params) |
This method exports the form results to various file formats. |
Credits |
The amount of credits is equal to the result entries exported with a minimum of one credit. |
Input |
The name of the form (case-insensitive). Additional infomation.
MS Excel 2003 (.xls)
MS Excel 97 (.xls)
MS Visual Foxpro (.dbf, .fpt)
xml |
XML (.xml) |
dbase |
dBase (.dbf, dbt) |
text |
Text |
csv |
CSV (separated by semicolon) |
csv-comma |
CSV (separated by comma) |
See the Results Input Parameters
Result |
^ top | ^ method list |
Synchronizing form results with the Formdesk Api is very easy and can be accomplised using three simple method calls. |
- Use the Connect method to determine the correct Formdesk server to make the Api calls.
- Formdesk responses with information to connect to the correct Formdesk server.
- Call the FormResultsGet method like: FormResultsGet('form1', '').
- Formdesk responses with the completed (status DONE) result entry id's of form1 with a sync status of new or changed.
- Call the FormResultGet method to get the result entry details.
- Call the FormResultProcessed method to mark the sync status of these result entries as processed.
- From the Formdesk response you can determine if all or which result entries have been processed succesfully.
Sync Status
The first sync status a result entry gets is New (N). This status will not change as long as the result entry has not been processed. A result entry gets the sync status Processed (P) by an webservice call to FormResultProcessed. Only after a result entry has been processed the sync status can change to Changed (C) when the result entry gets modified.
Use the sync_status Result Input Parameter to select result entries with specific sync status. |
FormResultsGet(string FormName, string Params) |
This method returns a list of result entry id's.
Example usage:
- Simply synchonize result entries.
- Use parameters and/or pre-defined filters to select form results based on search and/or pre-defined criteria.
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
FormName | string | The name of the form (case-insensitive). Additional infomation. |
| string |
See the Results Input Parameters
When the parameter status is ommited Formdesk only selects completed entries (status DONE).
You can specify ALL as parameter value to let Formdesk ignore this filter parameter.
When the parameter sync_status is ommited Formdesk only selects entries with sync status N and C.
Result |
<_fd_id fd:dt="int">4692520
The result elements contain only one child element. The name of this child element (_fd_id) matches the same element in the result of a call to the method
Result (format=xml-schema) |
With this format an external schema is included in the value node of the method result.
This schema can be used for several purposes. One purpose can be to validate the result xml against the schema.
Another purpose can be to import the results into an application like MS Excel.
- Save the xsd:schema node xml to a file, for instance results.xsd
- Replace the value of the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute (%schema%) on the results node with schema filename
- Save the results node xml to a file, for instance results.xml
- Now you can open the results.xml file in MS Excel
Result (format=xml-dataset) |
For applications which can handle and validate inline schema's (.NET) this format may be useful. |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultGet(int ResultID, string Params) |
This method returns one result entry.
Example usage:
Input |
Result |
<result xmlns:rs="urn:formdesk:return-status" xmlns:fd="urn:formdesk:attributes">
<status fd:dt="int">200</status>
<credits fd:dt="int">2345</credits>
<value fd:dt="xml">
<_fd_id fd:dt="int">4692520</_fd_id>
<_fd_add fd:dt="datetime">2009-12-10T09:06:47</_fd_add>
<name fd:dt="string">Will Smith</name>
<cv fd:dt="string">143902_curriculum_vitae.doc</cv>
<file fd:name="143902_curriculum_vitae.doc" fd:id="3458473" fd:url="<folder of forms>/143902_curriculum_vitae.doc?sid=d4e904f889f8401a9bc99cec3e0f98e0" rs:status="200" fd:dt="bin.base64" fd:contenttype="application/">
</result> |
The result child elements prefixed with _fd_ are Formdesk system fields.
See System Fields table for the possible fields included in the result xml.
Each question in a Formdesk form has a so called identifier. This identifier also represents a child element in the xml result xml.
NOTE that all xml element names are in lowercase. |
When the form contains one or more form upload elements a files element is included with the uploaded files belonging to the result entry. When the parameter include_files is passed and true the content will be included within the file elements. To avoid very large soap responses and possible buffer limitations, it is best practice to take the fd:url attribute from a file element and load the file contents with a simple http request. The fd:url attribute value contains the complete URL to the file including a sid parameter. The sid parameter contains a session id which is valid for 24 hours. After that time the URL can not be used anymore.
Result (format=xml-schema) |
With this format an external schema is included in the value node of the method result.
This schema can be used for several purposes. One purpose can be to validate the result xml against the schema.
Another purpose can be to import the results into an application like MS Excel.
- Save the xsd:schema node xml to a file, for instance results.xsd
- Replace the value of the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute (%schema%) on the results node with schema filename
- Save the results node xml to a file, for instance results.xml
- Now you can open the results.xml file in MS Excel
<result xmlns:fd="urn:formdesk:attributes">
<status fd:dt="int">200</status>
<credits fd:dt="int">2345</credits>
<value fd:dt="xml">
<xs:schema id="results" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="results" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="result" form="unqualified">
<xs:element name="_fd_id" form="unqualified" type="xs:int">
<xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Record number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
<xs:element name="_fd_add" form="unqualified" type="xs:dateTime">
<xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Date submitted</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
<xs:element name="name" form="unqualified">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="address" form="unqualified">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<results xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="%schema%">
<_fd_add >2009-12-10T09:06:47</_fd_add>
<name>Will Smith</name>
<address>Somewhere 111</address>
<cv fd:dt="string">143902_curriculum_vitae.doc</cv>
<file fd:name="143902_curriculum_vitae.doc" fd:id="3458473" fd:url="<folder of forms>/143902_curriculum_vitae.doc?sid=d4e904f889f8401a9bc99cec3e0f98e0" rs:status="200" fd:dt="bin.base64" fd:contenttype="application/">
</result> |
Result (format=xml-dataset) |
For applications which can handle and validate inline schema's (.NET) this format may be useful. |
<result xmlns:fd="urn:formdesk:attributes">
<status fd:dt="int">200</status>
<credits fd:dt="int">2345</credits>
<value fd:dt="xml">
<dataset xmlns:xsi="">
<xs:schema id="dataset" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="dataset" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:MainDataTable="results">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="results" form="unqualified">
<xs:element name="_fd_id" form="unqualified" type="xs:int">
<xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Record number</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
<xs:element name="_fd_add" form="unqualified" type="xs:dateTime">
<xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Date submitted</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
<xs:element name="name" form="unqualified">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="address" form="unqualified" nillable="true">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="cv" form="unqualified">
<xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Your Curriculum Vitae</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="150" />
<_fd_add >2009-12-10T09:06:47</_fd_add>
<name>Will Smith</name>
<address>Somewhere 111</address>
<file fd:name="143902_curriculum_vitae.doc" fd:id="3458473" fd:url="<folder of forms>/143902_curriculum_vitae.doc?sid=d4e904f889f8401a9bc99cec3e0f98e0" rs:status="200" fd:dt="bin.base64" fd:contenttype="application/">
</result> |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultProcessed(int ResultID, string Params) |
Use this method, after the FormResultGet method call, to mark the result entry as processed. After a call to FormResultProcessed the result entry is excluded from the FormResultsGet method by default. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
ResultID | int | The id of the result entry. |
| string |
A reserved parameter for future use. You can pass an empty string.
Result |
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.5 | Result entry not found | The specified result entry could not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultAdd(string FormName, string Data, string Params) |
Use this method to add a result entry to a specific form. |
Input |
Data |
Will Smith
Somewhere 1
There is no required data. An empty result node will just result in an empty result entry in the database.
Only when the result entry is maintainable by the visitor the visitor data must be identifiable to match an existing visitor or to create a new visitor.
A result node with only a _fd_usrid node will result in an empty result entry linked to the specified visitor.
When a form is maintainable the visitor data can also be updated and/or added along with the result data.
Visitor data consists of the following xml elements:
- _fd_usrid - Visitor id (optional and only to specify an existing visitor)
- _fd_user - Visitor name (required when no _fd_usrid is provided or the visitor does not exist)
- _fd_email - Visitor email address (required when no _fd_usrid is provided or the visitor does not exist)
- _fd_usrnm - Login Username (optional, if not present Formdesk used the _fd_user value)
- _fd_psswrd - Login Password (optional, if not present Formdesk creates a password of 10 random characters)
When uploading files the dt and name attributes are required.
The dt attribute can be of value file or bin.base64.
The name attribute provides the filename.
The contenttype attribute can also be specified, but is not required. If not specified Formdesk searches the contenttype using the file extension.
The value or content of the xml node must be base64 encoded. |
Result |
<_fd_id fd:dt="int">4692520
<_fd_add fd:dt="datetime">2012-03-19T08:53:26
<_fd_edit fd:dt="datetime">2012-03-19T08:53:26
<_fd_source fd:dt="string">W
<_fd_status fd:dt="string">SUBM
<_fd_editcode fd:dt="string">Mhj3rK
<_fd_compl fd:dt="datetime">2012-03-19T08:53:26
The resulting xml contains only the result entry system data. See the list of system fields for the possible fields.
Added result entries are not counted as submissions. However, they are included in the stored results count.
Posible error status codes for this operation are: 404.2, 404.4, 409.4, 409.6. See the list of status codes for the description.
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
409.6 | Limits exceeded | The subscription limmits are reached. |
404.5 | Result entry not found | The specified result entry could not be found. |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The Visitor, of an editable form, can not be found. |
401 | Access denied | You have no permission to get this file. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultUpdate(int ResultID, string Data, string Params) |
Use these methods to add or update form results. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
ResultID | int | The id of the result entry. |
Data | string | Form result data (see below) |
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
Data |
Same data as the FormResultAdd method.
Result |
Same result as the FormResultAdd method.
Updated result entries are not counted as submissions.
Status codes |
Same status codes as the FormResultAdd method. |
Diffgram usage
This method also supports the Microsoft .Net Framework DataSet DiffGram format.
For instance you could use the FormResultGet method, load the result into a DataSet, change some values and pass the resulting DiffGram as input parameter to the
FormResultUpdate method.
View the method Example2 of the gettingstarted.cs file for an example on how to use a DiffGram.
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultRemove(int ResultID, string Params) |
This method can be used remove a single result entry by ResultID. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
ResultID | int | The id of the result entry. |
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
Name | Type | Description |
files_only | boolean | When specified (set to 1) Formdesk will only remove the associated uploaded files. Also with respect to posible given filter parameters. This parameter is independed of and can be used in combination with the other parameters. |
Result |
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.5 | Result entry not found | The specified result entry could not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormResultPdfGet(int ResultID, string Params) |
With this method you can retrieve a Pdf file generated from a result entry. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| int |
The Formdesk ID of a result entry. |
| string |
All parameters are optional.
Name | Type | Description |
format | string | See the General Input Parameters |
Content Settings |
See the manual Displaying a copy of the completed form for more information about the three parameters below. |
hideunanswered | boolean | |
showhidden | boolean | |
ignoredependencies | boolean | |
Pdf Settings |
papersize | string | Possible values are: A3, A4, A5, Letter, Executive, Auto, widthxheight in inches. For Dutch and German the default is A4, otherwise the default is Letter. |
orientation | int | The page orientation. 1=portrait, 2=landscape. Defaults to portrait. Not applicable when papersize is set to auto. |
scaletype | int | 0=original format (default, no scaling), 1=fit to width, 2=fit to one page. Not applicable when papersize is set to auto |
scaling | int | The scale factor. Defaults to 100%. Only applicable when scaletype is set to 1 and papersize is not set to auto |
maringLeft | int | The left margin of the Pdf document. |
marginRight | int | The right margin of the Pdf document. |
marginTop | int | The top margin of the Pdf document. |
marginBottom | int | The bottom margin of the Pdf document. |
editprotect | boolean | When specified and true, the Pdf is secured against modification. |
copyprotect | boolean | When specified and true, the Pdf is secured against copying. |
userpassword | string | Pdf can only be opened with this password. |
ownerpassword | string | The password by which the PDF document permissions can be changed. When not specified but one of the other security parameters is then a generated password is used. |
Result (default format: xml-dt) |
Result (format: xml-schema-inline) |
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.3 | Timeout | A timeout occurred waiting on the Pdf generation process. |
404.5 | Result entry not found | The specified result entry could not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
FormFiltersGet(string FormName, string Params) |
Use this method to retrieve the pre-defined filters (views) of a form.
A view can be used as parameter value of the FormResultsGet and FormResultsRemove methods. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
FormName | string | The name of the form (case-insensitive). Additional infomation. |
| string |
A reserved parameter for future use. You can pass an empty string. |
Result |
^ top | ^ method list |
FileGet(string Data, string Params) |
Use this method to retrieve uploaded files. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | string | File data (see below) At least one of both is needed (name or id) |
| string |
Empty string
Data |
Result |
0M8R4K ... AAAAA
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorsGet(string Params) |
This method retrieves all form visitors.
A visitor is a registered person who can login to a form which uses the feature Visitor must be able to maintain own form entries. |
Input |
Result |
John Tester
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorAdd(string Data, string Params) |
Use this method to add a visitor.
A sample usage is to synchronize users of you system with the visitors of your forms.
Use the visitor synchronization in combination with the SignOn method to seamlessly intergrate Formdesk forms, for which authentication is required, into your system. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | string | Visitor data (see below) |
| string |
Data |
John Tester
- The name and email data is required.
When the username is ommitted or the data is empty Formdesk will use the email address instead.
When the password is ommitted or the data is empty Formdesk will generate a random password of 10 characters.
John Tester
Result |
The returned Xml contains all elements (id, name, email, username, password). |
John Tester
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
409.1 | Already exists | The given visitor already exists or the username/password already exists. |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The Visitor can not be found. |
409.2 | Input is required | The specified input is required (name, email or username). |
409.3 | Invalid email address | The format of the given email address is invalid. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorUpdate(int VisitorID, string Data, string Params) |
Use this method to add a visitor.
A sample usage is to synchronize users of you system with the visitors of your forms.
Use the visitor synchronization in combination with the SignOn method to seamlessly intergrate Formdesk forms, for which authentication is required, into your system. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
VisitorID | int | Id of the visitor to update. |
Data | string | Visitor data (see below) |
| string |
Data |
John Tester
- Only the id data is required.
When the username is passed but the data is empty Formdesk will use the email address instead.
When the password is passed but the data is empty Formdesk will generate a new random password of 10 characters.
John Tester
Result |
The returned Xml contains all elements (id, name, email, username, password). |
John Tester
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
409.1 | Already exists | The given visitor already exists or the username/password already exists. |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The Visitor can not be found. |
409.2 | Input is required | The specified input is required (name, email or username). |
409.3 | Invalid email address | The format of the given email address is invalid. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
Diffgram usage
This method also supports the Microsoft .Net Framework DataSet DiffGram format.
For instance you could use the VisitorsGet method, load the results into a DataSet, change some values and pass the resulting DiffGram as input parameter to the
VisitorsUpdate method.
View the method Example2 of the gettingstarted.cs file for an example on how to get a DiffGram from the changes.
The result of updating using a DiffGram is just like the normal result.
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorRemove(int VisitorID, string Params) |
Use this method to remove visitors. |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
VisitorID | int | Id of the visitor to remove. |
| string |
A reserved parameter for future use. You can pass an empty string. |
Result |
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.2 | Not found | The Visitor can not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorAuthenticate(string Username, string Password, string Params) |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
Username | string | Visitors username. |
| string |
Visitors password. |
Params |
string |
Result |
John Tester
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The Visitor can not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
VisitorResultsGet(int VisitorID, string Params) |
Input |
| Parameter | Type | Description |
VisitorID | int | The Formdesk ID of the visitor |
| string |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
See the Results Input Parameters. Specific parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
form_part | string | When specified Formdesk will only include form results where this string is part of the form name. |
form_list | string | This can be a comma separated list of form names and/or form id's. |
If both parameters are specified Formdesk will use both parameters to match a form. Both parameters are case-insensitive. |
format |
string |
See the General Input Parameters.
Using this parameter with value other then xml-dt will only influence the format of the results part of the xml.
Result |
Status codes |
Specific status codes indicating an error:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The Visitor can not be found. |
See Method Result for information about the XML result structure. |
^ top | ^ method list |
Possible status codes:
| Status Code | Message | Description |
200 | Success | The requested operation completed successfully. The <value> field contains the requested result. |
500 | Internal server error | This is a generic application error. This error should not occur. |
401 | Access denied | You have no access to perform the requested operation. |
401.1 | Logon failed | You are not logged in. The API Key is incorrect. |
401.4 | Authorization failed by filter | There where to many incorrect logon attempts within a certain time frame. Logging into the account is blocked for a short time. Howerver, your forms are still available. |
403.8 | Site access denied | Your account has been suspended or your subscription has been expired. |
404 | Not found | The requested resource can not be found. |
404.2 | Not found | The form cannot be found. |
404.3 | Timeout | A timeout occurred. |
404.4 | User/Visitor not found | The user, of a Formdesk account, or visitor, of an editable form, can not be founds |
404.5 | Result entry not found | The specified result entry could not be found. |
409 | Conflict | A conflict has occured. |
409.1 | Username already exists | Username / password combination already exists. |
409.2 | Input is required | The 'Input' string will be replace with the missing data field. |
409.3 | Invalid format | The 'format' string will be replace with the invalid data description. |
409.4 | Response limit exceeded | Value as specified in the Settings tab of the form. |
409.5 | Prohibited by trigger | An operation can be prohibited by customized code. |
409.6 | Limits exceeded | The subscription limmits are reached. |
409.7 | Multiple users found | The SignOn search query resulted in multiple users. |
The datatype of the Status Code can be int or float. |
^ top | ^ method list |
| Type | Description |
int | |
float | |
number | Currency (probably not used) |
string | |
boolean | 0 = false, 1 = true |
date | Format: yyyy-mm-dd |
datetime | Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss Example: 2010-03-24T03:56:00 |
object | |
xml | |
bin.base64 | |
^ top | ^ method list |
Normally, this parameter just means the name of the form. In case you really want to use the form id you can use an XML string structured as below. |
<form id="[form id] " /> |
Also possible: |
<form name="[form name] " /> |
See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
| Name | XML Datatype | Description |
datetime_in_gmt | boolean | By default the date(time) values are returned in the timezone specified in your Formdesk Account information. With this parameter you can easily get the date(time) values returned in GMT/UTC. |
id_tzi | int | If you want the date(time) values translated to a specific timezone you can use the ListGet() method to get a list of all Formdesk timezones with the id, bias and name. |
format |
string |
This parameter specifies the xml format of the result in the returned value node. The parameter is applicable when listed at the input parameters of a method.
Format | Description |
xml-dt | This is the default when not specified. It formats the xml like the examples in this manual. |
xml-plain | Plain xml without any attributes. |
xml-schema | This value formats the xml with an external schema definition. The schema is included first within the value node and can be saved to a separate xsd file. The string %schema% in the data root node has to be replaced by the filename of the schema. This format can be consumed by MS Excel 2010. |
xml-dataset | This value formats the xml with an inline schema definition. This format can be consumed by a Microsoft ADO.NET DataSet. |
xml-datatable | This value formats the xml with an inline schema definition. This format can be consumed by a Microsoft ADO.NET DataTable. |
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See the basic structure of the Params XML format.
Name |
XML Datatype |
A/F |
Description |
Filter parameters |
id_from |
int |
The Formdesk ID from which to start (this ID is included). |
id_to |
int |
The Formdesk ID on which to end (this ID is included). |
created_from |
date, datetime |
The submission date from wich to start. |
created_to |
date, datetime |
The submission date on which to end. |
status |
string |
The status of the result entry
See Form Result Status for possible values. |
changed_from |
date, datetime |
The date of the last modification from which to start. |
changed_to |
date, datetime |
The date of the last modification on which to end. |
completed |
boolean |
2, 3 |
Selects the ready declared entries / completed entries. |
completed_from |
date, datetime |
2, 3 |
The date on which the entry is declared ready (completed) from which to start. |
completed_to |
date, datetime |
2, 3 |
The date on which the entry is declared ready (completed) on which to end. |
id_visitor |
int |
2 |
The Formdesk ID of the visitor. |
name |
string |
2 |
A string which is part of the visitors name. |
email |
string |
2 |
A string which is part of the visitors email address. |
confirmed |
boolean |
4 |
Selects the confirmed entries. |
verified |
boolean |
5 |
Selects the verified entries. |
verified_from |
date, datetime |
5 |
The date on which the entry is verified from which to start. |
verified_to |
date, datetime |
5 |
The date on which the entry is verified on which to end. |
sync_status |
string |
The sync status of the result entry.
N = new, C = changed, P = processed, ALL = disregards the download status. |
View / search parameters
These parameters will not be used together. |
view |
string |
The name of the pre-set filter to use. |
search |
string |
General search string. Will not be searched in the system fields. |
Other parameters |
format |
string |
See the General Input Parameters |
General parameters |
Example |
<params xmlns:fd="urn:formdesk:attributes">
<param fd:name="created_from " fd:dt="datetime ">2010-01-21T12:00:00 </param>
<param fd:name="created_to " fd:dt="date ">2010-03-31 </param>
</params> |
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Status |
R.F. |
Description |
2, 3 |
Stored entries to be finished later. |
all |
Stored entries. |
4 |
The submission has to be confirmed. |
4 |
The submission has been confirmed. |
5 |
The submission has to be verified by email. |
5 |
The submission has been verified by email. |
6 |
The submission has to be verified by SMS. |
6 |
The submission has been verified by SMS. |
7 |
Payment process had been started. |
7 |
Payment process has been finished. |
8 |
Signing process had been started. |
8 |
Signing process has been finished. |
1 |
Workflow process had been started. |
1 |
Workflow process has been finished. |
all |
The form entries are completed. |
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These types are the possible values of the type node of the FormItemsGet result.
| Type | Description |
input["text"] | General text item with a maximum length of 254 chararters |
input["radio"] | Multiple-choice, select one. |
input["checkbox"] | Multiple-choice, select many. In the download the selected options are separated with a carriage-return. |
checkbox | Simple checkbox item. Downloaded values are TRUE or FALSE. |
select | List box / dropdown list. |
textarea | Text Area. This is a large multi-line field. |
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This table shows the complete set of possible system fields. The field's inclusion depends on the used feature and the pre-set filter which can be passed as a Result Input Parameter. |
XML Datatype
The Formdesk ID
Datetime of when the workflow has been finished. An empty value indicated an unfinished workflow process
Sequential number
The source of where the result entry came from
The status of the result entry
S = started, C = cancelled, P = pending, D = done/finished
The submission date on which to end
The datetime of the last modification
The payment status
P = Paid, E = Expired, A = Canceled
4, 5
The datetime the result entry has been finished/declared ready
The Formdesk visitor ID
Name of the visitor
Email of the visitor
Username of the visitor
Password of the visitor
Code to continue interim stored entries in a form
Indicates the visitor has confirmed the filled-in form
Datetime the entry has been verified by email
Datetime the entry has been verified by sms
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Various SOAP implementations exists for various languages. Below you find a short list of the most common implementations.
| Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 | This toolkit can be downloaded from here. Note that this toolkit has been superseded by the .NET framework. |
.NET Framework | .NET Framework documentation can be found here. With the Web Services Description Language Tool (wsdl.exe) a source file can be generated in the specified .NET language. |
Java | Here you can find an overview of the Java Web Services on the Sun Developer Network. A tutorial can be found here
| PHPSOAP | This implementation is incorporated into PHP5. The manual can be found here. |
NuSOAP Toolkit for PHP | NuSOAP provides a set of PHP classes which can be used in PHP4. The toolkit can be downloaded from SourceForge. |
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To get started you can download the files below. These files are written in Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express and PHP.
The examples are using the methods Connect, FormResultsGet, FormResultsProcessed, FormResultsUpdate, FormsGet, VisitorsGet and VisitorUpdate.
Note that these files are subject to change and offered as an example only. However, you may use the wrapper class and sample code to build on. |
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